Have a “knife” day at the next Market!
Neil’s Sharpening Service Returns

Neil’s Sharpening Service is scheduled to return to the Market on Sunday, Feb. 17! Gardening season is fast approaching, so bring out those garden tools and lawnmower blades now so you’re ready when spring weather arrives. Or bring out those kitchen knives, hair clipper blades, or scissors to be sharpened while you shop!
Celebrate Your Heart This February

While pink and red hearts are fun in February, why don’t you take some time out to celebrate your heart and how you can treat it right at the Media Farmers Market? Did you know that carrots are a heart-healthy vegetable? The high levels of carotenoids, powerful antioxidants, that are found in carrots can combat the free radicals that cause heart disease. Stop by Robin Hill for fresh, frost-sweetened carrots, and stay tuned for more heart-healthy choices available at the Market!
We’ve Seen The Sign

We’ve updated our yard signs! Do you still have one of our original signs with our summer Sunday hours? We’d like to update it with our current hours. If you have one of our signs, please email us so we can set up a time to drop by or meet up to quick put a sticker on your sign. We appreciate your support! If you don’t have a yard sign and would like to have one for your yard, let us know and we’ll get one to you!
February 17 Vendors
Brandywine Valley Bread
Firehouse Donuts
Gail’s Egg Farm
Maiale Deli & SalumeriaMidnite Mushrooms
Neil’s Sharpening Service
New Bee Ranch
Pasture Song Farm
Red Brick Craft Distillery
Robin Hill Organics
Sharrah Orchards
Wilson’s Curiously Good Foods
Vendors are subject to change without notice.